Erich Fromm explore immature and mature love in all it’s aspects. I loved it!

Gender, Race and Identity. Exploring among minefields and tripwires.

The book that added running the classic Marathon route to my bucker list (scheduled for 2022)

The one that will instill you with a business owner mindset.
The Story of Civilization still excites me. This time we stop i Rome.
(sorry about misrepresentative picture.)
It has been claimed that European philosophy “is only a series of retweets and replies to Plato.” and that’s one of the reasons I’m extremely happy to have read this one. It will be foundational as I continue my journey through the history of thought.
The latest science and longevity research predicts that our lifespans will increase a lot the coming years. What does that mean for humanity?
This is now my favorite marketing book and it will be my map and compass going forward in business.
The one about the neuro-surgeon that gets cancer. A book that makes people cry.
The idea of rejection therapy is simple but powerful: get rid of fear of rejection by putting yourself in situations where you are very likely to be rejected.
The book that helped me get my 4 year old to behave properly.
Can you fix a body cramped up by office work and a anterior pelvic tilt by stretching consistently?
The one about the noble savage.
The basic concepts of randomness is laid out in this books and how they are often overlooked. We are also served a great history of how the science of probability evolved.
The one-stop-shop for habit building.
I found this book so powerful and humbling. A catalyst for personal reflection. A remarkably bold and honest book.
The definite book on negotiation by former FBI agent.
A must-read and total mindf*ck. Being outdated is one of the strengths of this book. Because now, 20 years after the books release, we can see its predictions manifest in everyday life.