You should try different things in life. It’s a way to get to know yourself and the world. Here are all my experiments that I have conducted the last couple of years inspired by my reading and personal development journey.

One of the most common life advise I see in books is to “get a mentor”. So I did! And this is the results!

Can you fix a body cramped up by office work and a anterior pelvic tilt by stretching consistently?

Let’s say you can grow one, but should you?

What can you gain from taking a step back, zooming out and signing out for a week? Is Bill Gates on to something with his Think Week Concept? I tried it.

Can you learn Public Speaking by practicing or do you need to be a natural?

Is Hunting the mindfulness practice of the manly man or just senseless slaughter?

The final verdict of one of my longest mindfulness experiments.

Let’s try not to eat for a while. Like 36 hours and see what happens.

How bad can it be?! Extreme foods from the north.

What happens when we allow things be as they inevitably are?

365 days of Meditation. How does it feel at the halfway mark?

is it true that early birds catches the worm?

The news cycles focus on the negative got me to drop the news for a few year to see if it had any impact on my wellbeing.

What can sitting down and do nothing do for you?

Can you Fix Your Hurting Shoulder with a Tennis ball?

How to optimize your sock management and reduce unnecessary daily decision-making.

Can a repetitive breakfast simplify life, or does it suck the joy out of the most important meal of the day?

Let’s say you can grow one, but should you?