picture of the book Greenlights

Greenlights – Quick Book Review

In Greenlights actor Matthew McConaughey have concocted a hot pot of stories, memories, and lessons learned from his life. Both successes and failures bring flavor to the mix and the book is presented as a love letter to life.

It’s surprisingly well-written. And for the audiobook lovers out there:  it’s read by the author which gives it a more intimate and personal touch.

Video Review of Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey

Video Review of Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

Notes and highlight

📝 A family of hustlers: In his teens, Matthew and his dad sued a face cream company for causing him severe acne. Unfortunately Matthew won the title ‘Most Handsome’ in the school that year. This was used as evidence in court—they lost the case.

📝 He got into films by serendipity, outside the box thinking, and audacity.

📝 Structure!

“Conservative early, liberal late.”

Create structure so you can have freedom.

“Choreograph, then dance.”

📝 Solitude!

Being alone in solitude is important for finding yourself.  “As the noise decreases the signal becomes clearer.” 

📝 Eliminate!

He had five things on his plate: family, a foundation, acting, a production company, and a music label. Spreading himself thin lead to mediocrity in each endeavor . By eliminating the production company and music label allowed him to take his acting career to a whole new level.


“Be less impressed and more involved.”


In the end it’s not a book that progress any of my reading aims — which is to study human nature and the human predicament—BUT it was a well-needed palate cleanser book and I enjoyed the honest, hopeful, and non judgemental style. But that’s about it.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  out of 5

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