Quick Review: Levels of Energy by Frederick E. Dodson

DISCLAIMER: This book, Levels of Energy, contains pseudoscience and mentions of aliens and demonic entities. 😀 About Levels of Energy I love when I get my hands on a book like this that gives me a new lens through which to see the world. The premise here is that there are clearly definable levels of […]

Thoughts on: “The Glass Cage” by Nicholas Carr

The book is about how bad automation erode skill and create unfulfilling jobs which in turn create a self-fulfilling prophecy where previously masterful people makes mistakes pitching in for failing automated systems – human errors that turn into arguments for even more automation. —- It’s easy to discard this books as technophobic but there is […]

Thoughts on: “Open” by Andre Agassi

I’m don’t care for sports, so it felt weird for me to tune into a thick biography of some tennis star I’ve never heard of. But I’ve heard good thinks from reliable sources so I decided to go for it. —————————————— I’m glad I did! —————————————— Andre Agassi’s father was a former boxer with a […]

Thoughts on: Deep Work by Cal Newport

A friend mentioned that this book might be of interest to me in a discussion we had about one of my favorite books this year; The Shallows by Nicholas Carr. —————- While Carrs book is centered around why distractions are bad for us and the science behind it, Cal Newport focuses more on the importance […]

Thoughts on: ‘Shoe dog’ by Phil Knight

‘Shoe dog’ is industry slang for someone who has dedicated his or her life to the footwear industry. Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, is definitely is one of them. —————————————— He wanted to be an athlete but didn’t have the skills. Is there a way to experience what athletes did without being one? He […]

Review: The Marshmallow Test

The Marshmallow Test presents the recent scientific discoveries on how the ability to delay gratification influence our lives. Self control is a skill developed early in childhood, but can be improved later in life with certain techniques. Some of my takeaways: the use “if -then” statements in situations where I know my willpower will be […]

Niche Books That Really Tickled My Fancy!

Now and then you need something completely different to spice thing up. I wanted to highlight a few cool books that stand out from what I usually read: —————————————— “Masters of Doom” by David Kushner Heavy metal, dungeons and dragons, huge egos and code! It’s the the story of Id software, the creators of legendary […]

Schizophrenic Review: ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’ by George S. Clason

—— Positive version —— For you who’s starting out making a life for yourself or come from dept and struggle to make ends meet, this is a good start point for learning about the workings of moneyz. Bull or Bear market aside, there are universal rules governing the accumulation of wealth. Through engaging parables and […]

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