Reading List 2019

Here you find all the reviews and all the reading I did during 2019. There are some real gems in here. Find More Lists of All Sorts Here!

The Netocrats: by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Review (5/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about how the new paradigm of Netocracy is replacing Capitalist society.

The Story of Civilization: The Life of Greece by Will Durant

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about the raise and fall of ancient Greece.

The True Story of Kaspar Hauser by The Duchess of Cleveland

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about the Child of Europe who claimed to have been raised in a cage.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr Joe Dispenza

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about how thought create our reality.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that made me think about race.

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that is my least favorite Hesse book so far.

Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about the future of the human race.

Richard Nixon by John A. Farrell

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that made me realize why the American public look at government with suspicion.

Southeast Asia by James R. Rush

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that help me understand Southeast Asia in 100-pages.

Inner Engineering by Sadhguru

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that got me to see the mind-body link in a new light.

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Review (5/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that made me take my last zip of coffee at 1 pm.

Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one in which Socrates is the villian.

Grinding it Out by Ray Croc

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about burgers and fries.

Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant

Review 1 (5/5), Review 2 (3/5), Review 3 (4/5), Review 4 (3/5)Get the Book!

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The one that was so long that i had to split the review into 4 parts.

Kybalion by Three Initiates

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that lets us know that: so Above, so Below; as Below, so Above

Educated by Tara Westover

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one from this years Bill Gates recommendations.

Everything is Fucked by Mark Manson

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker

Review (5/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about how we are Gods with anuses.

The Power of Moments by Dan & Chip Heath

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about how moments matter.

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one where the guy prides himself about spending ONE night in jail.

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that was more of History Book than a guide to cutting edge marketing.

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

Review (5/5) – Get the Book!

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Gang Leader for a Day by Sudhir Venkatesh

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one about underground economy of gangs in public housing projects.

Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that takes folk tales seriously.

Behave by Robert Sapolsky

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that admits that we are complicated. Probably more complicated than we like us to be

To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one where I learned the importance of trying to walk in someone else’s shoes.

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one where I learned that on Facebook and Instagram we are the product – not the customer.

The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

Review (2/5) – Get the Book!

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The one I didn’t liked too much but where I learned the fancy word laissez-faire, which I do love indeed.

Lost Connections by Johann Hari

Review (5/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that gave me a deeper understanding of how modern society is a breeding ground for mental disorder.

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one that made me double my efforts in the gym and in the trail.

Mutants by Armand Marie Leroi

Review (4/5) – Get the Book!

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The one wher Everyone is a mutant, but some are more mutant than others.

Life of Pythagoras by Iamblichus

Review (3/5) – Get the Book!

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The one where I learned that Pythagoras is about more than just geometry.
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