There are two areas into which I want to spend more of my reading time going forward; classic fiction and textbook learning materials. —————– This one falls in the latter category – which is the harder of the two to write interesting post about – and as reading material these types of books can be […]
Thoughts on: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacsson
Asshole, crybaby or smelly hippie? Steve Jobs can be described in many ways. He certainly was a flawed man, yet brilliant! The products he brought into this world disrupted whole industries, a result of always demanding the impossible. What really stood out for me in this book was how much of a hippie this guy […]
Thoughts on: “Zen Mind, Beginners Mind”
I feel like some book are meant to be studied rather just being read. There are some book that I decided not to review for this reason. Reading them ones just don’t do the trick, usually this is the case with esoteric writings like today’s book. ——————— So I read the book two more times […]