Demian by Hermann Hesse

The story revolves around young Sinclair and the difficult task of finding ones self. Growing up in a protected and pious middle class home he eventually has to face the real world. Sinclair gets a new mysterious classmates, Demian, who guides him to detach and revolt from the superficial world of form and awaken to […]

Favorite Books of the Year 2018: “Demian” – Hermann Hesse

A short and moody novel that revolves around young Sinclair and the difficult task of finding oneself. Growing up in a protected and pious middle class home he eventually has to face the real world. Sinclair gets a new mysterious classmates, Demian, who guides him to detach and revolt from the superficial world of form […]

Demian, Synchronicity & Carl Jung

[wpvideo kyexDLfs ] I picked up Hermann Hesse’s “Demian” and believed it could act as a pallet cleanser after my binge-reading of books revolving around jungian psychology. —— Haha, bad call! Already in the introduction I read that before writing the book in 1920 “Hesse began to explore the writings of Freud and Jung on […]

What’s brewing? New book Arrivals!

[wpvideo 2bd3YZX7 ] I’m very excited about the books I received today! Have you read any of them? 😀🤔 ——————————— In the stack: – 📖 “Trust me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator” – 📖 “Demian” by Hermann Hesse – 📖 “Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just show up” – 📖 “The Human Magnet Syndrome: […]

Best Books of the Year: #3

#3 “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse —-— Hesse influential book about a wealthy Brahmin son that casts off a life of privilege to find spiritual fulfillment. A short read and profound read! ——- WHY THIS BOOK? ——— “This book is scripture posing as literature and is best read after getting what you thought you wanted.” – […]

Thoughts on: “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse

I’ll do this one in “verse”: 🖌 Siddharthas father was a learned man// for religious rites was all he cared// Siddhartha followed his fathers footsteps, but was not content// He wanted more than dogma and finally off he went// Into the forest and joined the ascetics // who liked to fast and thought possessions where […]

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