What Is The Drama Triangle? Examples of Transactional Analysis

What is the Drama Triangle? The Drama Triangle in transactional analysis is like a map of dysfunctional interactions between people. Imagine three corners of a triangle labeled “Victim,” “Persecutor,” and “Rescuer.” In any drama, folks might play one of these roles: Victim: “Poor me!“Persecutor: “It’s all your fault!”Rescuer: “I’ll save you!“ The tricky part? People […]

How to Break Free of the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness

Understanding the Drama Triangle: A Review of “How to Break Free of the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness” In this review, we delve into the book “How to Break Free of the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness” to decipher the enigmatic Drama Triangle, explore the concept of Victim Consciousness, and find out how this book […]

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