Lab Report: Growing a Beard

I really like to try new things. actually, I originally started this site to be mainly about different small experiments I conduct (Reading a more books where one of there experiments. I guess that one stuck with me 😂). Here we go:

The Lab Report – 001 – “Beards”

Growing a full beard is something every man should try at least ones in their life if they have the genes for it. Why? Because you fucking can!

I’ve had a few smaller beard variations throughout my life but I’m never gone all the way before. With all the way I mean not shaving for 6 – 12 months (In beard circles this is called a “yeard” or a “half yeard” respectively). So I had to try it out and here is my report:

Short term effects: ⭐️

Itchiness is one downside of growing a beard. But it will pass rather quickly. Worse is the “awkward beard”- stage from about week 8 to month 3. This is the period where your beard looks like a patchy mess and you look like you’ve given up on life. This is where most people give up.

Long term effects: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– People think you are wiser and more competent. (Probably because bearded men are portrayed in that way in popular culture).

– It’s harder to eat and drink.

– You can stroke your beard while thinking which unlocks extra cognitive abilities.

– Has some protective quality in blizzards.

Sustainability: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

– It takes a fair share grooming to maintain a respectable-looking beard.

– Makes eating greasy food close impossible. (Good or bad depending on you dietary goals)

FINAL VERDICT: ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Beards are great! Go get one!”

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