Quick Review: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

Robert Greene puts a lifetime of studies of human nature into one huge and important volume.

The Laws of Human Nature covers: character, toxic personality types, narcissism, cognitive biases, archetypes, childhood trauma, desirability, shortsightedness, the Shadow, attitude, group dynamics, leadership, persistence, fearlessness, purpose.
The list goes on…

Notes & Hightlights

📝 You are more like than Louise XVI than you think!

📝 What you and me try tell ourselves: “I’m different. I’m more rational than others, more ethical as well.”

📝 ”If possible, avoid deep contact with those whose time frame is narrow, who are in continual react mode, and strive to associate with those with an expanded awareness of time”

📝 Keep in mind that your expectations of people are communicated nonverbally. Teachers expecting greater things from their students, without saying anything, have positive effects on their work.

📝 People with negative attitudes uses this world view to narrow their experience. It give a sense of control in a world of uncertainty.

📝 Cynicism as Purpose: “Man would rather have the void as purpose than be void of purpose”. Behind this false purpose is the great fear of trying and failing, of standing out and being ridiculed… Cynicism acts as consolidation for lack of accomplishment.

📝 Self-doubt makes us surrender inwardly before we surrender outwardly. Remember this: almost nothing in the world can resist persistent human energy.


The last chapter talks about the importance of mediating on our mortality. This prompted me to commit to a new experiment; to pretend it’s my last day in life. Reminding ourselves about our impermanence is a great way of getting your priorities straight💀 ⚰️


This book is great (Book of the Year Candidate!) and practical; I almost don’t want you to read it since I want my newly found super powers for myself. It has already helped me wrap my head around what’s really been going on in situations with people that—until now—had left me dumbfounded.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ out of 5


Further reading:

If you enjoyed The Laws of Human Nature then you might like these books:

Understanding Human Nature – Alfred Adler
Games People Play – Eric Berne (review coming soon!)

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