“What else?” This is a good question to ask yourself. What else could I do right now? Am I spending my time wisely? When you stand in line to get free popcorn, Is the popcorn really free? No, not really. You give up the opportunity to do something else with the time you spend in […]
Threats to our Creativity according to Women Who Run with the Wolves
One of my favorite parts of this book revolve around the topic of self-sabotaging our own creativity: 📝 “Some of the malevolent complexes’ favorite thieveries and punishments of women’s creativity revolve around promising the soul-self “time to create” somewhere of in the foggy future. Or promising that when one has several days in a row […]
The Laws of Human Nature: Discover Your Dark Side
Recall Britney’s 2008 breakdown, Clinton’s sex affair and the behavior Nixon’s behavior in the White House before his resignation? “When we experience those moments when people reveal their dark side, we see something come over their face; their voice and body language of altered— almost as if another person is confronting us, the features of […]
Favorite Books of the Year 2018: “Demian” – Hermann Hesse
A short and moody novel that revolves around young Sinclair and the difficult task of finding oneself. Growing up in a protected and pious middle class home he eventually has to face the real world. Sinclair gets a new mysterious classmates, Demian, who guides him to detach and revolt from the superficial world of form […]
Favorite Books of the Year 2018: “Trust Me, I’m Lying” – Ryan Holiday
“Each generation of media has a different cock in its mouth.” – Ryan Holiday, Trust me I’m lying. 😔 I thought I was on top of my media game and was able to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. I WAS WRONG! 📰 😱I knew the situation was bad; I even quit […]
Books of the Year 2018 – 12 Rules for Life – Jordan Peterson
Life is suffering. How do we deal with that?! We face it, we bare it. Hell is a bottomless pit and in spite of how fucked up and unfair things are, we still can make it even worse. Let’s not do that! What if we instead get our act together and prepare ourselves to face […]
Favorite Books of the Year 2018: “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts” – Gabor Maté
💉 An excellent introduction to the complex problem of addiction. Dr. Gabors is specialized in its study and treatment. His book offers powerful portraits of his patient lives, the story of his own addictive behaviors and the path to recovery. 📝 “As a rule, whatever we don’t deal with in our lives we pass on […]
Book Year in review with @chriserzfeld
Book Year in review with @chriserzfeld: “This year, I read a lot of interesting books. One of those was “Behave” by Robert Sapolsky. I got a lot of insight into what makes humans tick, and how we are irrational, emotional and out of control creatures in an entertaining way so that book influenced me a […]
Favorite Books of the Year 2018: 21 Lessons for the 21 century
What Harari has done here is quite a feat. He has squeezed what could easily been a series of books into one volume, covering topics like: —- ▪️The resurrection of nationalism. ▫️What to do in a post-jobs world. ▪️The opportunity cost of fighting terrorism. ▫️Why we need a deep understanding of suffering and how to […]
My Book Year in Review – Part 1
⚖️ This year had a rough start with severe work-life balance issues but now I feel I have greater momentum than ever going into 2019. 🛠 I promised myself to make 2018 a very practical year and it has been just that! A lot has been done during the year that I’m very proud of: […]