Threats to our Creativity according to Women Who Run with the Wolves

One of my favorite parts of this book revolve around the topic of self-sabotaging our own creativity:

📝 “Some of the malevolent complexes’ favorite thieveries and punishments of women’s creativity revolve around promising the soul-self “time to create” somewhere of in the foggy future. Or promising that when one has several days in a row free, then the rumpus will begin at last. It’s hogwash.”

This is just a way to suffocate the creative impulse further.

Another great way of suffocating creativity is Only-iffing; Only if I had a such and such degree then my work would be decent. Only if I receive such and such thing…

Video Review of Women Who Run With the Wolves

Many put their talents in the back burner:

📝 “I’ve seen women insist on cleaning everything in the house before they could sit down to write…. and you know it’s a funny thing about house cleaning… it never comes to an end. Perfect way to stop a woman.” đŸ§č

How do you nourish and protect your creative life? And if you don’t; How do you procrastinate? đŸ€”

(And yes! Find the full review of Women Who Runs With The Wolves here!) đŸș

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