Struggling to get time to read? I’m not a fast reader. To be honest my reading speed was below average last time I checked – but I have a few tips to share on how to get more reading into a busy schedule!Want to get more reading done despite a busy schedule or complicated life […]
Thoughts on: Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley
Being oversubscribed is about having more customers than you could possibly serve. Why would you want to be in that position? Don’t you want to be able to serve every possible client and make every $?.Not necessarily. Being oversubscribed allow you focus on the clients you already have and spend less time hunting new ones […]
Notes From a Year of Reading – Addiction
I have had a few days in a row where I didn’t experience any cravings or took any addictive substances (excessive sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol etc..) It was pretty cool. I don’t think I’ve experienced something like this since I my early teens. Quotes and Notes on drugs and addiction from my recent reading: 📝 […]
Notes from a Year of Reading – Psychology
📝 “It takes a lot of courage to take the unconscious seriously and to tackle the problems it raises.” – Carl Jung, Man and his Symbols. 📝 “As a rule, whatever we don’t deal with in our lives we pass on to our children.” – Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. 📝 “Sometime […]
How to Nietzsche?
“The struggle of maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child at play.” – Friedrich Nietzsche Every time Nietzsche is referenced in books I pay extra attention because I know it’s likely that something utterly profound and insightful is being offered. He intrigues me, but I’m pretty much oblivious about […]
Thoughts on: “Give People Money” by Annie Lowrey
The idea behind Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a simple one; Give People Cash! Enough to live on—maybe not well, but enough —every month, for a lifetime. No strings attached. Let people pay for rent, invest in a business idea or buy heroin. Doesn’t matter. In one strike you would end poverty. This is interesting […]
Are You Taking Part in the Reoccurring Ancient Pattern of Judging the Younger Generation?
When we get into midlife we tend to start judging the younger generation. “When we judge in this way, we are not aware that we are reacting according to a pattern that has existed for at least 3000 years. There is an inscription in a Babylonian clay tablet that dated from around 1000 BC that […]
Quit or Persist? Know When NOT to Quit a Book.
Since many of us don’t read for pleasure only we should be careful not to discard a book because it’s not a thrilling rollercoasters ride. Some books I struggled with—that bored me or overwhelmed me— also gave me valuable insights and context for understanding the world and human nature. Consult your ‘Why’ before you discard […]
Quit of Persist? – Know When To Give Up on a Book.
“What else?” This is a good question to ask yourself. What else could I do right now? Am I spending my time wisely? When you stand in line to get free popcorn, Is the popcorn really free? No, not really. You give up the opportunity to do something else with the time you spend in […]
It’s Out of Control! What The Laws of Human Nature will do to your To-Read-List
[wpvideo HwBU0VNn ] Is your To-Read-List (TRL) growing faster the more effort you put into working your way through it? I know the feeling – and I feel it might be especially true for non-fiction readers. Every good book opens up your eyes for new topics and bombards you with new exciting ideas of what […]