Book Notes on Aging and Dying

Nothing last forever. Here are a few great notes on aging from my reading the last couple of years. Memento Mori. 📝 “By becoming deeply aware of our mortality, we intensify our experience of every aspect of life.” – Robert Greene, The Laws of Human Nature 📝 “No one set value on time. All use […]

Notes from a Year of Reading – Psychology

📝 “It takes a lot of courage to take the unconscious seriously and to tackle the problems it raises.” – Carl Jung, Man and his Symbols. 📝 “As a rule, whatever we don’t deal with in our lives we pass on to our children.” – Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. 📝 “Sometime […]

The Laws of Human Nature: Discover Your Dark Side

Recall Britney’s 2008 breakdown, Clinton’s sex affair and the behavior Nixon’s behavior in the White House before his resignation? “When we experience those moments when people reveal their dark side, we see something come over their face; their voice and body language of altered— almost as if another person is confronting us, the features of […]

Favorite Books of the Year 2018: “Demian” – Hermann Hesse

A short and moody novel that revolves around young Sinclair and the difficult task of finding oneself. Growing up in a protected and pious middle class home he eventually has to face the real world. Sinclair gets a new mysterious classmates, Demian, who guides him to detach and revolt from the superficial world of form […]

Raw & Unedited Notes from “King Warrior Magician Lover”

King Warrior Magician Lover was where I took notes like crazy. Such a fascinating read! Here is my full unedited notes: “In the late twentieth century, we face a crisis in masculine identity of great proportions“ It’s increasingly difficult to point out masculine and feminine essence. One could look at the disintegration of the modern […]

Demian, Synchronicity & Carl Jung

[wpvideo kyexDLfs ] I picked up Hermann Hesse’s “Demian” and believed it could act as a pallet cleanser after my binge-reading of books revolving around jungian psychology. —— Haha, bad call! Already in the introduction I read that before writing the book in 1920 “Hesse began to explore the writings of Freud and Jung on […]

Thoughts on: Man and his Symbols by Carl Jung

According to Jung, dreams carry an important role, and by interpreting their symbols we can get hints from our unconscious when the time has come to change attitudes and value systems in order to move to the next level of psychic maturity. Dreams are a bridge between the conscious and unconscious. This is my first […]

A reading update! All over the place as usual!

No book review this week due to stomach flue. 🤮 ———— But I thought I could share an update on what’s going into my mind these days! ———— 📖 “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts” – Gabor Maté, M.D. ———— Absolutely brilliant book about addition. Dr. Maté is sharing his experience working with addicts in […]

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