Thoughts on: “Hardcore Zen” by Brad Warner

Brad Warner is punk rocker turned Zen master. He is “controversial” because he is not part of either of the two dominating fractions of Zen in the west; the overly intellectualized one or the woo-woo New age version. —————————————— He wants to make Zen available and practical for to regular people with normal lives and […]

Thoughts on: ”The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”

Benjamin Franklin was probably the most prominent character of the American Enlightenment. A scientist, politician, inventor, postmaster, civic activist, and one of the founding fathers of the United States of American. —————————————— The reason I like Franklin so much is his sense of wonder and curiosity about life and learning. This in combination with being […]

Top Books of the Year – #6

#6 “Radical Honesty” by Blad Blanton —-— It’s about anger. It’s about how moralism comes back to bite you in the ass. It’s about neurosis. It’s about deadening. Low intensity suffering caused by being on guard. It’s about growing the fuck up! It’s about willingness to take care of oneself. It’s about telling the truth […]

Top Books of the Year – #7

#7 “The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei” by John Stevens ———————————— The “1000-Day Marathon”, a big part of their practice, takes 7 years to complete. For the first 5 years they run a marathon a day for 100 days straight. This is repeated 7 times. For the last 2 years the distance is increased to […]

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