In this Maps of Meaning, Jordan Peterson takes us on an odyssey through literature, mythology, religion. He attempts to connect that which for the longest time has been narrated through stories & myth, with what science now is telling us about the brain. Our ancestors were not stupid. Our ancestors, like us, were trying to […]
Raw & Unedited Notes: “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan B. Peterson
I had more note than I could possibly share in my review. Here is the full batch. Raw and unedited! If we put ourselves in order maybe we will do the same for the world? Author of “map of meaning” Wrote an answer of quora and struck a home-run. Our religious stories where moral rather […]
This Years Obsession Reveals itself!
For me each year comes with it’s own discoveries and obsessions! 2015 it was Stoicism. 2016 was filled with New Age and miscellaneous woo woo books. (Eckhart Tolle, Bhagavad Gita, Spiral dynamics etc..) 2017 was the year of Buddhist teachings. (Siddhartha, Beginners Mind, Hardcore Zen, Marathon Monks etc..) 2018 looks like it’s going to be […]
Thoughts on: “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan B. Peterson
Life is suffering. How do we deal with that?! We face it, we bare it. Hell is a bottomless pit and even how fucked up and unfair things are, we still can make it even worse. Let’s not do that! What if We get our act together and instead are prepared to face suffering when […]