5 Must-Read Books for Personal Growth for the Unemployed

Facing unemployment can be a daunting and challenging experience. However, in every setback lies an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. One way to turn this difficult period into a productive and transformative journey is through reading nonfiction book. Books have the power to inspire, provide guidance, and offer new perspectives. In this blog post, […]

Thoughts on: Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley

Being oversubscribed is about having more customers than you could possibly serve. Why would you want to be in that position? Don’t you want to be able to serve every possible client and make every $?.Not necessarily. Being oversubscribed allow you focus on the clients you already have and spend less time hunting new ones […]

Book Notes on Aging and Dying

Nothing last forever. Here are a few great notes on aging from my reading the last couple of years. Memento Mori. 📝 “By becoming deeply aware of our mortality, we intensify our experience of every aspect of life.” – Robert Greene, The Laws of Human Nature 📝 “No one set value on time. All use […]

Notes From a Year of Reading – Addiction

I have had a few days in a row where I didn’t experience any cravings or took any addictive substances (excessive sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol etc..) It was pretty cool. I don’t think I’ve experienced something like this since I my early teens. Quotes and Notes on drugs and addiction from my recent reading: 📝 […]

Quit or Persist? Know When NOT to Quit a Book.

Since many of us don’t read for pleasure only we should be careful not to discard a book because it’s not a thrilling rollercoasters ride. Some books I struggled with—that bored me or overwhelmed me— also gave me valuable insights and context for understanding the world and human nature. Consult your ‘Why’ before you discard […]

Quit of Persist? – Know When To Give Up on a Book.

“What else?” This is a good question to ask yourself. What else could I do right now? Am I spending my time wisely? When you stand in line to get free popcorn, Is the popcorn really free? No, not really. You give up the opportunity to do something else with the time you spend in […]

Threats to our Creativity according to Women Who Run with the Wolves

One of my favorite parts of this book revolve around the topic of self-sabotaging our own creativity: 📝 “Some of the malevolent complexes’ favorite thieveries and punishments of women’s creativity revolve around promising the soul-self “time to create” somewhere of in the foggy future. Or promising that when one has several days in a row […]

The Laws of Human Nature: Discover Your Dark Side

Recall Britney’s 2008 breakdown, Clinton’s sex affair and the behavior Nixon’s behavior in the White House before his resignation? “When we experience those moments when people reveal their dark side, we see something come over their face; their voice and body language of altered— almost as if another person is confronting us, the features of […]

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