Quick Review: Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Is attention failure only a roadkill on the highway of economic growth? In an attempt to regain his own ability to focus, Johann Hari (author of Lost Connections) sets out on a quest to understand the current attention crisis and its causes. By interviewing researchers around the globe he concludes is that there is more […]

Quick Review: Lost Connections by Johann Hari

For a long time depression and anxiety has been believed to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and the solution is a lifetime pill popping. Johann Hari challenges this idea, both the cause and the solution. 9 Causes of depression His research shows 9 very different causes for depression – Disconnection from… […]

Quick Review: Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

In Never Split the Difference former FBI Negotiator Chris Voss teach you the best strategies and techniques for getting what you want. We are all negotiating all the time. Why not be good at it? Right?! Overcome your fear of negotiation Except for a few naturals, most of us hates negotiation at first. We get […]

Quick Review: Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromm

“Is there a hidden satisfaction in submitting and what is its essence?”. This is the question this books asks. Escaping from Freedom We fought for freedom for centuries. We overcame nature, then we freed ourselves of religious dogma, and WW1 was thought by many to be last battle for freedom, but as we finally attained […]

Quick Review: Letters From a Stoic by Seneca

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing no wind is favorable.” – Seneca Do you have a philosophy of life? If not, then the Stoics can provide a great foundation for you to build upon. A philosophy of life can protect us from the whims, vices, and “flavor of the day”-type […]

Quick Review: The Psychology of Money By Morgan Housel

“Money’s greatest intrinsic value—and this can’t be overstated—is its ability to give you control over your time.” Finally we get a book that takes human psychology into account when discussing financial matters. Your financial future will thank for taking the time to reading this book. The power of first hand experience When it comes to […]

Quick Review: I Am Dynamite: A Life of Friedrich Nietzsche

Beyond the mustache, what do most people really know about this troubled soul? He pulled the corpse of God to the town centre for all to behold— he wrote boldly, and he picked a fight with every segment of society. 📝 Why this book? A few years ago his quotes could be found in every […]

Quick Review: The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei

The Marathon Monks run a marathon distance a day for 100 days in a row. They kill themselves if they fail in any part of their practice. Meet the Marathon monks of Mount Hiei. The Marathon Monks Instead of being dressed in traditional black Buddhist clothes, The Marathon Monks wear white, the color of death. […]

Greenlights – Quick Book Review

In Greenlights actor Matthew McConaughey have concocted a hot pot of stories, memories, and lessons learned from his life. Both successes and failures bring flavor to the mix and the book is presented as a love letter to life. It’s surprisingly well-written. And for the audiobook lovers out there:  it’s read by the author which […]

Book Review: A Guide to The Good Life by William Irvine.

Few books have impacted my life to the same degree as A Guide to the Good Life. It takes Stoic philosophy and translates it into practical tips for how to improve your overall psychological well-being. The right book at the right time. I discovered this book early in my reading career and it introduced me to […]

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