Lab Report: Physical Therapy

This is not as much an experiment as it is a new experience for me. Framing it as an experiment makes it more fun though – so that’s what I did!


The Lab Report – 004 – “Physical therapy”


A while ago I got a painful sensation in my right shoulder. I’ve had muscle inflammation before but this was different. The went from a small notion and got worse with everyday instead of the other way around.


When I complained about my situation to a colleague he said he had something similar and that his injury was chronic condition. This scared me and I sought help the next day. It turned out that it wasn’t the same thing, but it needed to be dealt with immediately or it could be.


It was “impingement syndrome” – the runners knee of the cubical worker! The solution is tennis ball massage, awkward stretching and a full dose of ibuprofen.


Short term effects: ⭐️


– The routine increases the pain before it starts to decrease.

– Painkillers fuck up my stomach and I have to take additional medicine for that.


Long term effects: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


– if you act fast and stick to the routine you’ll have great chances for full recovery. It worked for this case at least.


Sustainability: ⭐️⭐️


– The stretch routine should be performed twice a day. Sounds simple, but it’s easy to forget.




I have felt all 3 of Freud’s sources of human discontent this year. ‘The external environment’ (Swedish winter!), ‘other people’ (They are everywhere!) and lately the degeneration of ‘the aging body’ (my shoulder!). 😉 There is nothing fun about physical therapy but it’s awesome when it works!


Where are you hurting? 🤔

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