Quick Book Review: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

At first couldn’t stand The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. It’s tells a fictitious story about an artist and an entrepreneur who meet at a Tony Robbins style self-help event. They both bond with what they believe to be a homeless man, BUT — surprise! — he is actually a billionaire business magnate going incognito. The billionaire invites them to his private island (think Richard Branson) to teach them his secret for success.
Yes! It’s very cheesy! but over the course of the book I started to really enjoy it!

Principles for Success:

What follows is a practical and entertaining breakdown of the principles that leads to a success:
health, sleep, presence, abundance, massive action, consistency, how you should surround yourself with great people and how your external circumstances usually are reflection of your inner state.

Video Book Review – The 5 AM Club:

Video Review of The 5 Am Club by Robin Sharma

Lessons and highlights

📝 “Becoming legendary is never easy” Stephen King threw the manuscript of his breakthrough novel, Carrie, into the trash. His wife recovered it, read it, and pushed him to not give up.

📝 “The flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation”.

📝 “Don’t let yourself to get exhausted. Ever!” Massive action without burnout? If you know how to pull this off then please share in the comments.👇

📝 “Longevity is the key to Legendary”
Your body and mind is your biggest assets: Protect the asset!

📝 “Procrastination is a form of self-hatred.” Disappoint yourself over and over again and you will eventually recent yourself.


After reading the book I updated my morning routine. I now spend 1h each morning visioning/meditating (20min), learning/reading (20) and workout (20). Getting back to owning my morning—before the kids wake up and the chaos begins— has had a big impact on my well-being and life-trajectory.


Stay away from the 5 AM Club if you are allergic to cheesy self help books or want serious nonfiction. But for me, this was the right book at the right time; I was slacking off on the routines that had been the foundations of my positive trajectory and needed a push in the right direction.
I recommend this book to people who are new to personal development or if you need a reminder of the principles that leads to long term success.
I’m hesitant to say this but— I really like it! What cheesy book did you enjoy more than you like to admit?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5

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