Quick Review: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

“Your thoughts have consequences so great that they create your reality.”

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

How did that quote make you feel? Did you throw up a little in your mouth, or did you get intrigued to know more? That feeling is probably a good indicator for how you feel about this book.

Reality creation and manifestation books comes in a lot of different flavors—the Secret, Transurfing, the Kybalion—this book is attempting scientific route to manifestation.

I have a paradoxical relationship with “reality creation”. I kinda cringe at the explanation of how it works, but at the same time I have seen it work over and over again in my own life and others. So I really don’t care how it works, just that it does. Your attitude and inner state matters.

Notes & Highlights

📝 “When we are truly focused and singleminded the brain doesn’t know the difference between the internal world of the mind and what we experience in the external environment” 💭

📝 Mentally rehearsing an activity gives almost the same growth of neural connections as physical practice. This fact blows my mind every time I hear it. 🤯

📝 Eliminating the gap between who we are and who we present to the world is probably one of the biggest challenges we face in life.

📝 “To know thyself is to meditate.”


Not much that can withstand sustained focused human effort. Your attitude changes your reality. The placebo effect is real. You experience changes with you focus (Reticular Activating System).


I can imagine a reality where I have give a lower score, but to be honest, it was a great reminder of the importance of ones attitude towards life and that we don’t have to re-live the same emotions and experiences day after day. The power of one’s inner state is real, even if I’m not as sure as Dr Dispenza about the specifics.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ out of 5

Further reading!

If you enjoyed Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Despenza then you might enjoy these titles on reality creation and manifestation.

Parallel Universes of Self by Frederick Dodson (BookLab Review)
The Big Leap by Guy Hendricks (BookLab Review)
The Kybalion – The Three Initiates (BookLab Review coming soon!)

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