Simplicity 101: Socks sucks!

The Lab Report – 003 – “Socks Sucks”


The motto is that you are not allowed to complain about not having “enough time” until you have certain systems in place that removes unnecessary complexity. Ones those are in place, then at least you have tried your best – And automation and simplification of everyday task is a good place to start.


Socks are a hassle – or to be more precise: to pair them is mindnumpingly boring and like all couples they break-up up, are gone for a whole and come back form new formation.


The idea is simple: buy all your socks at the same time and stick to one model. Ones a few of them starts to get worn the rest will usually follow, then throw all of them away and fill up with new ones. Repeat.


Short term effects: ⭐️⭐️


– Your closet become more bland.


Long term effects: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


– You avoid decision-making-fatigue by removing small everyday choices.

– Easy to do laundry. Pair however you want and you will still get a match.


Sustainability: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


– The drawback of having less variety can be remedied by having a small selection of colorful and cool on the side for special occasions.

– Shop big and seldom. Easy!


FINAL VERDICT: ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️


– It just works! Easy to execute and sustain, but the positive impact is hard to measure.


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