Thoughts on: “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan B. Peterson

Life is suffering. How do we deal with that?! We face it, we bare it. Hell is a bottomless pit and even how fucked up and unfair things are, we still can make it even worse. Let’s not do that! What if We get our act together and instead are prepared to face suffering when […]

Thoughts on: “Design of Everyday Things” by Don Norman

Sometimes you need something completely different. This was a palate cleanser book for me. —————————– Engineers are too logical at times, while people are not. As a game developer, you something hear people complaining: “They are playing it wrong!” when you first let people outside your project group play the game for the first time. […]

Thoughts & Notes: “Overdiagnosed” by Dr. Gilbert Welch

This time I will focus on the notes! Here we go: —— 📝 Overdiagnosis occur when people get diagnosed with conditions that might never cause symptoms or death. —— 📝 A overdiagnosed patient can’t be treated, only harmed. —— 📝 Overdiagnosis started with the diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure. Which have helped a […]

Quick Review: The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“I make a claim against many of our habits of thought, that our world is dominated by the extreme, the unknown and the very improbable.“ This black swan is about our blindness to randomness. Especially when it comes to large deviations and what Nassim Taleb calls a “black swan” event. What is a The Black […]

Thoughts on: ”Eat & Run” by Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek runs and eats! By running I mean 100 mile runs (that’s 160km!) and 24 hour races. By eating I mean only plant based foods. —————- Endurance has been a theme in my reading for a while and this is the latest latest entry. I was led to this ultra marathon legends autobiography because […]

Recovering from depression induced by “Superintelligence”.

“Superintelligence” was a great and valuable read but it left me depressed. There seems to be so many dangers with AI and just so much time for us to get a grip on the control problem before It arrives. To lift myself up I started to read “How to Live: or a life of Montaigne” […]

Thoughts on: “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall

4 years ago I was in the worst shape of my life. I felt that something needed to be done and that it was time to get my priorities straight. — About this time I found this book and it really sold me on long distance running. It was a perfect fit for me. I’m […]

Thoughts on: “Walk Like a Buddha” by Lodro Rinzler

“All of you are perfect as you are, and you can use a little improvement” Zen Master Suzuki Roshi This is a very practical and accessible book about how to apply the teachings of the buddha to different aspects modern life. It has a question/answer format like: What would the buddha do in this and […]

Thoughts on: “Thank You for Being Late” by Thomas L. Friedman

As a professional within software development I really felt the increase in the speed with which new technologies replace older one in recent years. We are barely able to get familiar with the basics of the latest tech before it’s considered “old” and in need of replacement. Thanks to Moore’s Law, the law that says […]

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