4 years ago I was in the worst shape of my life. I felt that something needed to be done and that it was time to get my priorities straight.
About this time I found this book and it really sold me on long distance running. It was a perfect fit for me. I’m not fast, but persistent. I’m not into team sports, but love to compete against myself. And I rather spend time in nature than in a sports hall.
The books tells the story of the authors search for the mysterious Tarahumara Indians, the running people, that live most hard to reach areas of the Copper canyons.
Caballo Blanco, a running lone wolf, who lives among them becomes the key to finding out the secret to their amazing endurance.
The problem is that this Caballo guy is not easy to find either. And he has a plan of his own; To arrange one of the worlds toughest races, where the worlds top ultra runners will compete head to head with the Tarahumara under the scorching Mexican sun.
This is the second time I read “Born to Run” and the arguments about how modern footwear is the source of all running injuries and that chia seeds is the silver bullet when it comes to a healthy diet, feel extremely week and exaggerated this time around.
My own theory to why we have seen an increase in running related injuries, while shoes get more and more high tech and bouncy, is that people live more sanitary lives today. And they have done that for a long time. To expect yourself to be able to run a Marathon with just a couple of months of training, after spending 25 years in an office cubicle, is naive at best.
This will lead to all kinds of injuries because nature don’t allow for the same type of instant gratification that Netflix and overnight shipping does.
What really makes this book shine is not the science it presents, but the story and the characters. I hate to use the word “inspiring”, but I think I have to in this case, because this book brings a smile to my face and makes me want to run all day.
📝 You don’t stop running because you get old, you get old because stop running.
📝 Runners peak around 27 but you will reach an age of 64 before you get back to a teenagers ability.
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