Top Books of 2017: The time has come!

The time has come for me to share the 10 books that stood out, had biggest impact and was most enjoyable of the 50 or so titles I read this year! ———————————— I feel like I can’t present this list without mentioning a few words about why I read and what I want from a […]

Creativity and Fear: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert book is both a tribute to creativity and a practical guide to how to nurture your it. Misconceptions are aplenty about what a creative life should look like, but you don’t have to quit your job, and spend a your days as a aquarelle painter, to live creativity. Everyone is creative! Everyone is […]

Thoughts on: Deep Work by Cal Newport

A friend mentioned that this book might be of interest to me in a discussion we had about one of my favorite books this year; The Shallows by Nicholas Carr. —————- While Carrs book is centered around why distractions are bad for us and the science behind it, Cal Newport focuses more on the importance […]

Review: The Marshmallow Test

The Marshmallow Test presents the recent scientific discoveries on how the ability to delay gratification influence our lives. Self control is a skill developed early in childhood, but can be improved later in life with certain techniques. Some of my takeaways: the use “if -then” statements in situations where I know my willpower will be […]

Thoughts on: “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse

I’ll do this one in “verse”: 🖌 Siddharthas father was a learned man// for religious rites was all he cared// Siddhartha followed his fathers footsteps, but was not content// He wanted more than dogma and finally off he went// Into the forest and joined the ascetics // who liked to fast and thought possessions where […]

Thoughts on: “The Stranger in the Woods”

Christopher Knight was 20 years old when he one day walked into the woods, never to return to society again. It took 27 years for him to reemerge, not by his own choosing, but because he got captured by the police for stealing food. ————— He spent a third of a century alone in the […]

Thoughts on: “Light for Visual Artists”

There are two areas into which I want to spend more of my reading time going forward; classic fiction and textbook learning materials. —————– This one falls in the latter category – which is the harder of the two to write interesting post about – and as reading material these types of books can be […]

Thoughts on: “Zen Mind, Beginners Mind”

I feel like some book are meant to be studied rather just being read. There are some book that I decided not to review for this reason. Reading them ones just don’t do the trick, usually this is the case with esoteric writings like today’s book. ——————— So I read the book two more times […]

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