Lab Report: 60-Days of Non-Resistance

Current situation: children, crying, shit everywhere (literally and figuratively speaking), irregular sleep, a constant stream of contingencies and emergencies. It’s a lovely mess! BUT it can be frustrating at times. Condition are perfect for a new experiment. The Lab Report – 009 – “60 days of Non Resistance” Non-resistance is about letting things unfold as […]

Lab Report: The First 100 Days of Meditation

We keep reading about it; the most important endeavor one can undertake is self knowledge – “Know thyself” as the inscription reads at the Temple of Apollo – and what better way to start that examination than practice of meditation? ————————— The Lab Report – 005 – “Meditation: The First 100 Days” ———————– The meditation […]

Double review: “Good to Great” and “Autobiography of a Yogi”

Good to Great (GtG) lays out the result of a study that was set out to find the universal distinguishing characteristic of companies that went from good to great performance and sustained it for over fifteen years. —————— Autobiography of a yogi is the is the life account of Yogananda Paramahansa; the yogi than introduced […]

Thoughts on: “Advice not Given” by Mark Epstein

“When we let the ego have free reign we suffer – but when we learn to let go, we are free.” —— Dr. Epstein explores where psychotherapy and Buddhism can complement each other in the persuit of mental wellness. —— The Buddha and Freud, Dr Epstein says, came to a similar conclusion. Ego is the […]

Thoughts on: ”Eat & Run” by Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek runs and eats! By running I mean 100 mile runs (that’s 160km!) and 24 hour races. By eating I mean only plant based foods. —————- Endurance has been a theme in my reading for a while and this is the latest latest entry. I was led to this ultra marathon legends autobiography because […]

Thoughts on: “Walk Like a Buddha” by Lodro Rinzler

“All of you are perfect as you are, and you can use a little improvement” Zen Master Suzuki Roshi This is a very practical and accessible book about how to apply the teachings of the buddha to different aspects modern life. It has a question/answer format like: What would the buddha do in this and […]

Quick Review: Gandhi’s The Story of My Experiments With Truth

We get to follow a great man in the making in this autobiography by Gandhi. Like a mad scientist, and from an early age, he experimented with every area of his life to find essence of the soul. Being very limited in my knowledge about Gandhi, I expected a focus on religion in this book, […]

Quick Review: Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

What does the expression “Wherever you go, there you are” point towards? ————- Wherever you travel you always bring yourself with you. It’s easy to think that with a new job at a new company will finally make you happy. A few months later, after scoring that new job, you start to think: “if only […]

Best Books of the Year: #1

#1 “Levels of Energy” by Frederick E. Dodson —-— Here is something they didn’t teach you in school! The premise of the book is that there are clearly defined levels of consciousness. Basically, people experience reality differently – and act and think in a certain ways -depending on their energy “level”. Dodson lays out his […]

Best Books of the Year: #3

#3 “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse —-— Hesse influential book about a wealthy Brahmin son that casts off a life of privilege to find spiritual fulfillment. A short read and profound read! ——- WHY THIS BOOK? ——— “This book is scripture posing as literature and is best read after getting what you thought you wanted.” – […]

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