Lab Report: 60-Days of Non-Resistance

Current situation: children, crying, shit everywhere (literally and figuratively speaking), irregular sleep, a constant stream of contingencies and emergencies. It’s a lovely mess! BUT it can be frustrating at times. Condition are perfect for a new experiment.

The Lab Report – 009 – “60 days of Non Resistance”

Non-resistance is about letting things unfold as they do. Life is a mess. Instead getting frustrated by trying to control people and situations we can accept things to be as they inevitably are.

To offer no resistance to life makes you feel light and at ease— at least that’s the theory! Let’s look at the results!

Short term effects: ⭐️

– I was going to do this experiment for a month, but it took me a month just to get in the habit of catching myself in my resistance. Usually I realized what had happened only in hindsight.

Long term effects: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– My close relationships have improved.

– It feel pretty good to be able to stay in control when the storm comes.

– It’s still unknown to me how I’m able to handle bigger setbacks since only minor one occurred during the test period.

– Stress levels has gone down.

Sustainability: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– How long it takes to build a habit of non resistance might differ depending on you life situation. You might or might not have a life situation where you have a lot of opportunity to practice.

FINAL VERDICT: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– A few days ago my wife complemented me on how patient and helpful I’ve been recently and how it had really made a difference during these first chaotic months with a newborn (she doesn’t know about the experiment (I think!).

– I actually kept productivity up during this experiment. I thought not forcing and resisting life would lead to less productivity.

– I’ll continue this going forward.

Related reading:

📖 A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle 📖

📖 The Bhagadvad Gita 📖

How do you handle the twists and turns of life? 🤔

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