New Experiment: 60 Days of Non-Resistance



I don’t get annoyed too often but when I do get stingy it is usually due to unexpected events messing up my beloved routines.

I have pretty strict routines related to:

– Wake up/bed times

– Workout

– Meditation

– Social media usage

– Study/reading

In life it’s usually not the big things that get to me—I got those under control— it’s the small stuff! Sudden change of plans, interruptions and unforeseen disruptions.

An experiment in acceptance and non-resistance is in order!


Non-resistance is about letting things unfold as they do. Life is a mess. Instead being frustrated by trying to control people and situations I’ll accept things be as they inevitably are. of Roll with the punches, aikido, go with the flow…You get it.

To offer no resistance to life you feel light and at ease. You’re no longer dependent on thing being a certain way. When your dependency on outer form disappears the conditions of your life improve greatly…at least that’s what they say. Let’s try it out!

3️⃣ WHEN?

In Progress. I chose my timing well; Here are some things that’s going on right now:

– We have a new born baby.

– My 4-year old has chicken pox.

– I’m have a cold.

– I have some kind of ass injury that cause me pain.

– I’m starting a new project at work.

Like all my experiments I will follow up with a Lab Report. Wish me luck!

Related reading:

📖 A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle 📖

📖 A Guide to the Good Life – Irvine 📖

How do you deal with the sh*t life throws at you? 🤔

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