Quick Review: The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

Klein’s theory is that fundamentalist capitalists pray on disaster stricken countries to take advantage of the chaos to sell out the public sector. 📝 Disaster capitalism: “Orchestrated raids on the public sphere in the wake of catastrophic events”. 📝 Laissez-faire: A economic system with a minimum or no interference by government. 📝 When the government […]

Quick Review: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

‘Shoe dog’ is industry slang for someone who has dedicated his or her life to the footwear industry. Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, is definitely is one of them. —————————————— He wanted to be an athlete but didn’t have the skills. Is there a way to experience what athletes did without being one? He […]

Quick Review – Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker was one of my favorite books last year. A Wake up call to the importance of sleep. It was not just a phenomenal book but also triggered a lot of changes in my life. It’s 4:36 AM when writing this. I’m wide awake after a night messed up sleep. […]

Quick Review: Parallel Universes of Self by Frederick Dodson

Parallel Universes of Self says that, according to the “Parallel Worlds Theory”, that everything that can happen does. Universes branch into infinite versions with every possible event. Frederick Dodson claims that the parallel universe principle can be applied to your reality and be used to alter your everyday life. Sounds “out there”?! Let’s take a […]

Quick Review: George Orwell’s The Road To Wigan Pier

In The Road to Wigan pier George Orwell shares his experiences of working-class life industrial towns of of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930’s. Its a bleak and unforgettable description of social injustice, unemployment and horrible working conditions of the mine workers in England. The two sides of The Road to Wigan Pier The Road […]

Make Your Bed | Book Review and Summary

Make Your Bed is based of a commencement speech by William H. McRaven, a former Navy Seal, where he shares 10 lessons from SEAL training that are universal enough to apply to every person’s life. Make your Bed – A Commencement speech that went viral The speech that the book is based on struck a […]

Quick Review: The Alchemist and Why You Should Read It

The Alchemist could be summarized as a fable about spiritual awakening and following your dreams. But it’s also a book about avoiding regret and bitterness. What is the Alchemist about? The fictional story revolves around a young shepherd boy that gives up everything and sets out on a journey through the desert to the Pyramids, […]

Quick Review: Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse

“There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” This is how James Carse defines finite and infinite games in his philosophical book by the same name. After […]

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