Thoughts on: Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley

Being oversubscribed is about having more customers than you could possibly serve. Why would you want to be in that position? Don’t you want to be able to serve every possible client and make every $?.Not necessarily. Being oversubscribed allow you focus on the clients you already have and spend less time hunting new ones […]

Thoughts on: “Give People Money” by Annie Lowrey

The idea behind Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a simple one; Give People Cash! Enough to live on—maybe not well, but enough —every month, for a lifetime. No strings attached. Let people pay for rent, invest in a business idea or buy heroin. Doesn’t matter. In one strike you would end poverty. This is interesting […]

Quit or Persist? Know When NOT to Quit a Book.

Since many of us don’t read for pleasure only we should be careful not to discard a book because it’s not a thrilling rollercoasters ride. Some books I struggled with—that bored me or overwhelmed me— also gave me valuable insights and context for understanding the world and human nature. Consult your ‘Why’ before you discard […]

Quit of Persist? – Know When To Give Up on a Book.

“What else?” This is a good question to ask yourself. What else could I do right now? Am I spending my time wisely? When you stand in line to get free popcorn, Is the popcorn really free? No, not really. You give up the opportunity to do something else with the time you spend in […]

Quick Review: Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

In Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg, teach you practical skills for getting your needs met in a peaceful way: “Nonviolent communication helps us create a more peaceful state of mind by encouraging us to focus on what we truly wanting rather than what is wrong with ourself and others.” Mediocre writing and terrible narration aside (for […]

Thoughts on: “Tribe” by Sebastian Junger

“Tribe” started as an article for Vanity Fair and was later expanded on and turned into this book. It revolves around how at odds the structure of modern society is with our tribal instincts and how people directly, or indirectly, affected by war have problems readjusting to normal life. —— What really stuck with me […]

Quick Review: Endure by Alex Hutchinson on Human Performance

We have all seen a world records being broken. The athlete crosses the finish line and a new bar has been set. But you have also seen that the athlete is alive and moving. Which means he/she had more to give! Whats our limits? What sets the limit of human endurance? Is it mental or […]

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