Lessons about Public Speaking from Steal the Show

Steal the Show by Michael Port – Book Review and Takeaways In preparation for my second speech at Toastmasters I though if would be good pick up some more tips and tricks for public speaking and speech writing. The book is very basic, sometimes even threat you like a baby (one of his tips is […]

Thoughts on: ”The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”

Benjamin Franklin was probably the most prominent character of the American Enlightenment. A scientist, politician, inventor, postmaster, civic activist, and one of the founding fathers of the United States of American. —————————————— The reason I like Franklin so much is his sense of wonder and curiosity about life and learning. This in combination with being […]

Thoughts on: “Under The Banner of Heaven” by Jon Krakauer

The year is off to a good start with a third Krakauer book under my belt! ————— Mormonism is not a big thing here in Sweden (The are less than 10 000 Saints residing here) and this is my first close look at the Mormon faith. ————— It’s a history of Mormonism told around story […]

Thoughts on: “The Third Chimpanzee” by Jared Diamond

There is a 1.2 percent difference in DNA between humans and chimpanzees. But what is it that makes humans able to fly into space and create weapons so powerful that they can annihilate the earth as a whole? When did we separate into our own species and what triggered our evolutionary leap forward to become […]

Thoughts on: “”The River of Doubt” by Candice Millard

In 1912 Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest by some crazy saloonkeeper on his way to deliver a speech on his third term election campaign. The bullet was slowed by his spectacle case and speech manuscript in his inner pocket, which kept it from reaching his lungs or heart. With blood dripping from his […]

Quick Review: Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

What does the expression “Wherever you go, there you are” point towards? ————- Wherever you travel you always bring yourself with you. It’s easy to think that with a new job at a new company will finally make you happy. A few months later, after scoring that new job, you start to think: “if only […]

Best Books of the Year: #1

#1 “Levels of Energy” by Frederick E. Dodson —-— Here is something they didn’t teach you in school! The premise of the book is that there are clearly defined levels of consciousness. Basically, people experience reality differently – and act and think in a certain ways -depending on their energy “level”. Dodson lays out his […]

Best Books of the Year – #2

#2 “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains” by Nicolas Carr —-— Having anxiety about how the Internet is changing us? As we enjoy new ways of consuming information, are we sacrificing our ability to read and think deeply? ——- WHY THIS BOOK? ——— The book is incredibly interesting and explains a […]

Best Books of the Year: #3

#3 “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse —-— Hesse influential book about a wealthy Brahmin son that casts off a life of privilege to find spiritual fulfillment. A short read and profound read! ——- WHY THIS BOOK? ——— “This book is scripture posing as literature and is best read after getting what you thought you wanted.” – […]

Thoughts on: “At the Existentialists Café” by Sarah Bakewell

Time for a small break from the Top- 10 countdown before it reaches its crescendo. 😎 —— This became my first encounter with the modern existentialists thanks to a recommendation by @inside_brians_brain . In this book we get to know Sartre and de Beauvoir primarily – but also Camus, Heidegger, Merleau Ponty to name a […]

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