piles of books

Top 10 Nonfiction Books of the Year (includes Video!)

Looking back at 2022 I can easily to say that it has been a great year for reading. I was finally able to check off a ton of rereads, classics and heavy hitters that have been on my Reading List for way too long and most of they surprised and challenged me.

A year of surprises and intellectual challenges

A surprising favorite was THE COMFORT CRISIS. A book that really had me reevaluate my lifestyle in light of the surprising positive effects of exposing oneself to to voluntary discomfort.

BOUNDARIES was a funny one, because I would probably not have picked it up if I know it was a deeply religious book.

I manage to get through two books that are considered very complex and challenging (which they were!): THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA by Friedrich Nietzsche and MAPS OF MEANING by Jordan B. Peterson.

The Great Books List got expanded!

A bunch of books ended up in my Great Books List:

Classics and rereads

I got two true classics checked of my list: FAUST and STONER.
I reread two life changing books: MANS SEARCH FOR MEANING and A GUIDE TO THE GOOD LIFE. Both convinced me that their place on the Great Books List is still justified.

Top 10 Nonfiction Books of the Year

In the end, these books where the ones that stood out as my favorites out of the 40 books I read this year:

Oh boy, It’s been a great year indeed! I hope you feel the same!

The full Top 10 List in Video format:

If you want a quick breakdown of why these book made the list and why they are worth your adding to your 2022 reading list, then check out these videos:

Top 10 Nonfiction Books of the Year Part 1
Top 10 Nonfiction Books of the Year Part 2

Find more great reads on my book reviews page and the Great Books List
Video Reviews every week on YouTube

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